domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2018



1. It's got soft, black fur. It's fierce. It runs very fast.
2. It's very big and it's got a long horn.
3. It's got a big nose and small eyes. It lives in forests.
4. It's very big and very fierce and it lives near rivers.
5. It's very tall, it's got long legs and a long beak.
6. It's got white fur with black spots and sharp teeth.
7. It's got arms and legs. It's got a tail and climbs trees.
8. It's got big wings and a big beak and it's also got sharp claws.
9. It's big. It's got brown fur and horns
10. It's got long legs, it's got small ears and big eyes. It's shy and lives in forest,

NOW, IN YOUR NOTEBOOK, DESCRIBE AN AWESOME ANIMAL. Don't write the name because your classmates are going to guess it. 

3 comentarios:

  1. Hola Elisa , soy el número 13 de 5C, preguntaba por el ejercicio de recompensa del cuadro rojo del que se hablo en clase , porque a mi, en mi ordenador no me aparece.Espero tu respuesta.

  2. Hola Elisa, soy él numero 7 de 5C, en la ficha de lectura, a que se refiere "type of story", y también "personal opinión". Espero tu respuesta. Un saludo.

  3. Hola Elisa soy el número 26 de 5°c
    Yo tampoco vi el recuadro rojo y subrallado alomejor no me fije,
